Route/point help with 1871


New member

This is a stupid question, but I just can't figure it out. Is there a way to display the bearing and distance to a waypoint other than putting the curser on it? When I punch in a route by hitting "go to" a point, I want to see the distance and bearing to the target. Is there an easy way to display this? Right now, to get the info, I have to scoll into the chart and place the curser on the destination to get the info to display on the lower right hand side of the screen.

I could do this with my old Furuno, but this new model is hard to operate for old geezers like me.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I think what you are looking for is customizing your data box at the side of your screen to add Distance and Bearing to waypoint as boxes. It will show the next waypoint information there.Capture8858.JPG
Thank you, this info is exactly what I needed. I just spent 5 minutes fooling around with the data box. Everything is good to go! I feel kind of stupid not being able to figure this one out on my own though.

Can't wait for my next trip out. Thanks again!