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I have a NXT dome radar with a TZT3 mfd. Having some some level of RezBoost engauged certainly helps narrowing the beam at close range settings. If left on, does it deter anything at longer range settings, say 3 miles and beyond?
Yes, is there any downside in target acquisition to keeping RezBoot activated all the time, no matter what range the radar is set at.
Maybe stated more clearly. Is RezBoost just for short range or can it be used for longer ranges (~1 mile and beyond) without any performance issues compared to NXT with the RezBoost off on the longer range settings.
Rezboost also works for longer range. Not much of a down side other than if you have a very weak target it might filter due to it coming and going. It is great feature for domes, but I don't recommend it for open arrays as they really don't need it because they already have excellent horizontal resolution.