I have two RD33 units installed side-by-side. After washing the boat I found that one display was all fogged up from the inside. Not the first exposure of my helm to water - quite a few washes and nasty weather, but never a problem with this display.
So, I gave it a few days in the sun to clear itself, and after moisture seemingly went away I tried turning the unit on. It made the startup beep but I did not see anything on display, that is until it got dark and I took off my polarized sunglasses. Apparently the display brightness just decreased to almost zero, though it is set to max. Is there a cure for this other than warranty replacement?
P.S. My FLIR cam JCU also fogged up from inside on a separate occasion, and they just replaced the unit. Am I lucky or what? :sorry
So, I gave it a few days in the sun to clear itself, and after moisture seemingly went away I tried turning the unit on. It made the startup beep but I did not see anything on display, that is until it got dark and I took off my polarized sunglasses. Apparently the display brightness just decreased to almost zero, though it is set to max. Is there a cure for this other than warranty replacement?
P.S. My FLIR cam JCU also fogged up from inside on a separate occasion, and they just replaced the unit. Am I lucky or what? :sorry