pg-500 connecting to PC



I've bought Furuno PG-500, and want to connect it to my PC throught rs-232, and comunicate with it using NMEA0183. I need to send and receive infos from PG-500.
I can't find any scheme which can help me. Maybe some of You have this kind of scheme, or any idea how toconnect this cables:)
Thank's for Your help:)

If I wrote in wrong section, please move my topic:)
The PG500 puts out RS422 level NMEA 0183 and a PC serial port is RS232. You will a level converter at least. You might also need a serial to USB if you wish to use the PC USB port. The easy way would be to wire up a Furuno USA P/N 422-USB-CBL, converter cable to take the data into your PCs USB port.
Oh, thanks for replay. So, I need a converter from rs-422 to rs-232 to connect pg-500 if don't want to use usb cable?
Am I right?
You need an RS422 to RS232 level converter to take the data to a 9 pin or 25 pin serial PC port (which most PCs no longer offer). Additional you would need a serial RS232 converter to USB; if you plan to use a USB port on the machine.... Or you can do both with one device, in one step, by using a device like the Furuno 422-USB-CBL.
Hi Johnny

I'm going to install the sensor PG-500 and I want to do it the best way. I want to know if is mandatory to install on the boat center line and if we can install upside down.

Please send your recommendations



It does not have to be located on the center line but try to get it close.
Do NOT mount it upside down.
This is slightly off-topic would be really useful to be able to monitor the status lights on the PG-500 remotely. Most installs will see the PG-500 'buried' deep in the boat where looking at the Status lights is inconvenient at best. Is there a way of tapping into the Status light circuit to at least see when the lights are flashing, indicating a loss of accuracy for whatever reason, maybe via a PC link if not a remote warning light??