NOAA raster charts and discontinued charts

I have an old MFD8. I have installed NOAA raster charts, NOAA vector charts, and C-MAP vector charts. Vector charts redefine awful!

I am currently running version 16 raster charts, and I have noticed buoys that are misplaced. I would like to upgrade to the current version 18.

My concern is that NOOA says that they have begun discontinuing RNC charts. I wonder how mapmedia is handling discontinued charts. As a user, the correct answer is to continue to provide the most recent version of discontinued charts. My fear is that the lawyers will have them remove discontinued charts. I would rather have outdated information that no information.

Does anyone know how mapmedia will handle discontinued charts in the raster download package?
In the NN3D using C-map charts, don't forget to go under MENU - CHARTS - VECTOR tab - and ensure that you have selected Jeppesen as your vector data type; along with ensuring that VECTOR is selected from the roto-key selection on the chart screen. In regards to download availability, MapMedia has shown to keep older revisions available for download but I can't speak for them much less on something that hasn't changed yet.

Thanks for the reply. I do appreciate the tip on how to choose the Vector charts that are used -- I wanted to see if the C-Map are as awful as the NOAA ones, and wasn't sure how to change. C-Map was useless, and sometimes scary/dangerous in Canada, but might work well in USA.

My real question was regarding the Raster charts provided by NOAA. NOAA has already started "cancelling" selected charts in the catalog (see list at, and will cancel all by 2025. For instance, chart #12284 is a 1:10,000 scale chart of my home port, Solomons Island, MD, and was cancelled on 11/16/2022. My question is that now that 12284 has been cancelled by NOAA, what will the downloaded chart show for Solomons Island? Will it just show the large scale chart? Or will it provide the data from the cancelled small scale chart? I guess I could zoom in on my creek using my outdated chart download, and then update to the new version and see what they did.