Have 2 12” and and 8” mfds wont let me overlay radar on charts ?? Radar option is there but shaded in ovelay menu? Any suggestions has worked in past thanks Rick
Ill check in am but did notice compass sensor has x i believe?? ,a couple things acting up w units first trip trip after winter no ais displayed on units either thank you Rick
Doesnt show up on either my boat does come up on phone w shipfider app ? I play in settings tmrw Sat photos over lay is clear in florida and very cloudy in mass do i have to download sat photos cand find link thanks again i had an sd card in one of units but looks like someone lifted it over winter would that affect it?
Got ais working was in instalation wizard no boxes were checked ? Still issue w heading sensor not reading it system diagram page ? When i shut auto pilot of would get lost heading sensor alarm dont get that now and compass x out on icons ? Simrad auto pilot atleast im getting more familiar w system and how it works thinking heAding snsr bad but auto pilot still works??