Charts app crashes when selected from Quick Page menu


Furuno Fan
Here's an odd new behavior I'm seeing on one of my three TZT16F MFDs: the charts display crashes when I select it from the Quick Page menu.

Suppose I'm using one of the other displays such as radar, depth sounder, or camera:
* Swipe down from top edge to show the Quick Page menu.
* Tap the icon for Charts display.
* Quick Page menu remains visible, and the rest of the screen goes black, but no charts appear.

At this point, the MFD is still running. I can still use the Quick Page menu to select any other display. The charts display is the only one that crashes, and the problem doesn't happen on my other two MFDs. Crashes don't happen every time, and I can't find a reliable way to reproduce the problem.

Rebooting the MFD fixes the problem.

Thanks for any suggestions.
They are all running 3.70.1 if I'm reading it correctly. When I check for updates, they say I'm running the latest version.
I would suggest to try the following:
1. Make sure the tides info is turned off in the Nav data boxes
2. Isolate the unit from the network. Just plug into power only. Does the problem remain?
Tides Graph in a databox of TZT3 is a known software issue with TZT3. New TZT3 software should release in the next 15-20 days along with the newest XL software. The new TZT3 software should resolve that issue. Until then Tides should be looked at from touching a tide icon or under menu tides to avoid the bug.