NMEA 200 Engine Data


Furuno Fan
I am about to install a NMEA2 000 engine converter (analog to digital) to input data into a TZT14. I am in doubt as to the data that can be displayed. The FAQ say as follows:

Q9.CON Can Engine, Tank and Fuel data be displayed on the TZtouch MFD?
Yes, certain engine, tank and fuel data (up to 4) in NMEA2000 format may be
displayed on any MFD in the Network. The currently accepted data is as follows:

Engine Speed (Revolutions) (PGN 127488)
Engine Boost Pressure (PGN 127488)
Engine Oil Pressure (PGN 127489)
Engine Temperature (PGN 127489)
Engine Temperature Status (PGN 127489)
Engine Warning Status (PGN 127489)
Fuel Tank (PGN 127505)
Fuel Flow (PGN 127488 & 127489)

It says nothing about EGT or transmission (gear) data: Temperature or Oil Pressure. Are these included or do I need separate equipment to display? Parameter 127489 has quite a bit more items covered.

As you found it displays Engine Oil Pressure (PGN 127489) Engine Temperature (PGN 127489) but not anything associated with the transmission.