Need a new Auto pilot


New member
I currently have a Simrad AP28 autopilot, and the LCD screen is going out. I don't want to replace it as the system is no longer supported and it will end up being just a parts changeout exercise.

I want to install a new system, but I am not sure which one will be best for this boat, so I am looking for opinions as to what I should purchase and install.

The boat is a 1988 Donzi Sport Fish. 65' with two diesel engines and conventional running gear. Steering system is a three-hose hydraulic with tower and helm stations.

I am not familiar with Furuno, but I am looking at the 300 or the 711 systems.

Any help would be appreciated on what parts I would need to purchase and install
NavPilot 711C Control Unit (perhaps 2)
FAP7002 Processor Unit
FAP6112 Rudder Reference Unit
SCX20 Sat compass for heading
Some NMEA2000 parts and cables as the old Simrad might be using simnet which uses different connectors.

I install APs on boats with solenoids on the hydraulics for autopilot operation. If you use a pump instead of solenoids, gather that information.
Thank you,

What is the main difference between the 711C and the 300? Does the length of boat play any part in this?
The Navpilot 300 was designed for outboard boats 42ft or less.
The Navpilot 711C is the one designed for boats such as yours.
We just need the steering system you have on the boat to determine how to interface with it.
Helm stations - 2x Hynautic H22-2, 1.6 cubic inch
Steering cylinder - SeaStar HC5802, 21.25 cubic inch
Motor driven hydraulic pump - Vickers - no details
current auto pilot pump - Simrad RPU160
The SeaStar HC5802 is 45.2 cu in volume per the specs. Please verify the Cu inch volume of this cylinder.

These are the specs I am seeing.

Well, the RPU160 worked well with that setup.

I ordered a whole new Furuno system this morning including a PUMPHRP17-12. If I understand correctly, the PUMPHRP17-12 puts out 1.7ci per second so that is a bit more than the RPU160 at 1.63ci per second.

So, I think we are good...

Here is what I ordered this morning....

DescModel No
NavPilot Control UnitFAP711C
Processor UnitFAP7002
Rudder Reference UnitFAP6112
Satellite CompassSCX20