Navpilot 300 point lock inconsistent


New member
Having some issues with point lock, sabiki lock and sabiki mode. First real fishing trip with this setup, so I put it through it's paces.

Used point lock in the bay with light wind and moderate current, and it held spot within about 10 feet.

Next, moved out into the Gulf to catch bait. Held spot reasonably well for a solid 30 minutes. Winds light from the SSW, stern locked up pointed WSW to account for current. Would drift maybe 10 feet and get back on. Again, not perfect but still working.

Next, pushed out a few miles to fish. Here's where it became about useless. Winds picked up slightly, about 7-10 kts SSW. Sea state 1-2 feet, very comfortable. Point lock could not figure out a solution and would flail about trying to keep position, moving steering and shifting but would always lose position within 30 seconds of engagement. Sabiki lock, same thing. Stern would end up out of the wind and it would give up. Sabiki mode didn't work well either.

Current was light, fishing about 70 feet of water. Conditions were excellent.

Where to begin troubleshooting?

Another issue I had was that when I'd use to Go To function in the TZT2, it would give me an error message. Heading hold and selection via the NP300 worked great.

TZT215, Navpilot 300, SCX 20, Suzuki DF300B X2, smart stick, seastar power assist/autopilot pump PA6020.
What error specifically did it say on the TZT2?
I should have taken a picture, but something to the effect of "nav source". When I'd use the go-to function, the appropriate nav screen would populate on the np300. However, it wouldn't steer the vessel and then give me the error.
Did you start Point Lock and Sabiki Lock with the stern facing the wind?
Did you try adjusting the sensitivity at all? Default is 3. The range is 1-5. If you were slowly moving away from the set point, increase your value. If it was shifting "wildly", decrease the value.
If there is not enough wind and/or current, the system will not have anything to work against and it can fail. I've had great success in winds from 3 to 35 knots, sustained.
I went ahead and adjusted sensitivity to 1, adjusted my manual rudder limits, and redid the measurements on the location of my SCX20. It seems to have improved it in point lock mode on my short trip with the family the other day. I'll be out fishing this weekend and will get to put it through it's paces again.

The Nav source error was corrected by adjusting PGNs in the TZT2.