NavNet vx2 NMEA 0183 to NMEA 2000 network


New member
I've searched the internet far and wide and I cannot find the answer to my question.

I recently upgraded my GPS plotter and have networked it to the NMEA2K network with my motors. I have a NavNet vx2 RDP 149 that was networked on NMEA 0183 with the previous GPS and my Simrad autopilot.

I purchased 2 Actisense NGW1 converters so that the older electronics can convert to NMEA2k. The autopilot converted with no problems. But, for the life of me, I can't find anything that tells me which RDP 149 wires should hook to the wiring on the converter.

The unit was networked from the Data 4 port. There are 4 wires - blue, white, green and yellow. Can anyone tell me which wires are which from the attachment?

If the attachment does not come thru I need to know which are:

Talker OUT B / - / GND
Talker OUT A / + / Data
Listener OUT B / - / GND
Listener OUT A / + / Data

Actisense has been no help. If you can answer this, I will be forever grateful, and I might even change the name of my boat and name it after you.

Thanks in advance!



Data2 would be the appropriate connection as Data4 is RS232 in/out and RS422 in. Data2 is RS422 in/out.

If you only need to send the data in to the NavNet then Data4 is Yellow Listener + and Green Listener -.

Data4 is White Talker +, Black Talker -, Yellow Listener + and Green Listener -.

This is mostly all tucked away in the final pages on the Installation Manual.
Thanks for your response.

So, the original NMEA 0183 network had the Data 4 cable wired into the backbone. Are you saying that I should switch it to the Data 2 port?
So, the original NMEA 0183 network had the Data 4 cable wired into the backbone.
Well I hope you mean the data port was wired to the converter, not the backbone. NMEA 0183 and 2000 don't mix.
Johnny, the original 0183 network was stand alone and was not connected to the 2K network. Data 4 on the RDP 149 was wired into the backbone of the 0183 network. I've since added new electronics and have 2 converters so that I can connect them to the 2K network, one for the autopilot and one for the RDP 149 The autopilot converts nicely, but RDP 149 does not.

Should I be connecting to data port 2 or should I keep it on #4?

Fishtech told me:
Data4 is White Talker +, Black Talker -, Yellow Listener + and Green Listener -.

The old 0183 configuration did not use the black wire, it used the blue wire. Should I use the black wire now instead?

I appreciate ell of your help!

NMEA 0183 is a single talker system and no such thing as a NMEA 0183 backbone, unlike the NMEA 2000 bus system that has a backbone and multi-talkers. Because you are using the Actisense NGW1 (which accepts RS422 level NMEA), you will need to come off a port that can output RS422. You can NOT use data 4 because it only outputs RS232 (PC voltage level NMEA 0183) and isn't allowed to go into a RS422 converter. It is much like mixing unleaded and diesel. Yes they are both fuel but they are not the same and can not be mixed. That is what FishTech was explaining. You would need to use Data 2 of the RDP149 display which can provide RS422 voltage levels.