Navnet VX2 - GPS Input Problems

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Hello Gentlemen

I am hoping for some assistance.

I have onboard my ship currently 2 Navnet VX2 displays one we currently use as a Radar display and the other as a Chart Plotter Display.

The Chart plotter display is constantly tempremental and when turning on will briefly show the opening screen with the VSL and the loading bar then turn black displaying only the loading bar. Then it will stay like that for hours on end. This is an ongoing problem and we have had little results in solving it but any suggestions would be welcome.

The second issue and most pertinant issue;

The radar until last week worked perfectly but currently will not update the GPS position, SOG etc as we move. I have played around with the source settings in the menue and if i change the source to all and turn to the display mode it briefly keeps in contact with the GPS before freezing in the position again.

It is concerning as we are due to sail on the 4th of august and it completely disables out ability to use ARPA.

I have little knowledge of the system and it's set up but i am good at troubleshooting things. i'm hopnig this is a simple case of a setting being changed somwhere that i cannot locate.

I hope you can provide some assistance and i thank you in advance on any insight you can provide.

Some Aditional Info:
We have two GPS Antennas both of which are Furuno GP-32.

It seems to talk to the GPS priefly before loosing contact and the GPS Sensor test displays the "No Position Fix Available"

Other external Kit conected is an Fununo AIS and Furuno Satilite Compass There is an Scho sounder in the mix aswell but I think it was initally for providing a STW log but has not been talking to the NAV Net since i have been onboard, nether can i figure out if it even has a Speed Log Function on it.
The first unit sounds like it might need software reprogramming or has a bad chart card. The second sounds like your data flow is incorrect. Data loops will result in loss of data and issues.

Since you have a very short timeline to get this resolved, I recommend you contact our tech support while you are on the boat or contact your local dealer.
The Main problem to me sounds like the Data loops. Are their any steps i can take to sort this out onboard to rectify this.

The ship is run by a very strapped for cash Charity. and the chart plotter not turning on is not a big deal. The GPS input however must be sorted out. It is a very recent development and was working find as little as a week ago. Would a data loop suddenly develop spontaniously, what are their potential causes?
Our tech support is free, so calling us won't cost you anything and it is the fastest path to figure out what is going on. There are too many variables to do this via the forum and have any chance of meeting your time requirements. If you can't call in, please post a basic block diagram of how your boat is wired between the Vx2 and its connected items.
Thank you for your assistance. I will phone them tomorrow and update you guys one my progress and the solution if it is found. If not i may have more detailed information I can glean from the call.

Have a good day.
Hello Gentlemen.

I have spent a couple of days with Furuno tech support.

Though they where gracious and very helpful over the phone they were unable to acertain where the issue lies but did rule out data loops. I have Attached some Wiring Diagrams our engineer helpfully supplied that i had no knowledge of.

Any assistance would be appriciated.
Does your SC60 display show good heading and position?

When you spoke with tech support did you use the NMEA port monitor to ensure the position is coming into the NavNet display unit?
SC60 shows a good heading and position.

I dont belive he did use the port monitor over the phone. could you instrict me on how this is done?
Within that menue there is data 1 data 2 and data 4

The port monitor of each shows what looks to me like computer code of some descripion. Data 1 which i belive is the GPS, seems to be more iregular than the others.
Is the display position source setup for "All"?

Is the display in simulate mode? (all three items should say "LIVE")