NAVNET 3D to FCV-585


New member
Can I connect my FCV-585 to a Navnet 3D MFD and capture waypoints on the FCV-585? If so, will the points appear automatically on the MFD? I checked the user guide for the 3D and didn't see TLL messages on the list of input or output messages.

Also, what PC software can I use for creating Furuno compatible waypoints? Sorry for the newb questions. I'm used to Garmin but I really want to make use of the MARK feature on my FCV-585.

Unfortunately you cannot create waypoints from one machine to the other.
Since the mark feature of the FCV585 is at boat position I recommend that you mark a point on your MFD. If you're out fishing then change the waypoint/mark shape on the MFD to the fish symbol. It will help you track what you are doing easier.

As far as software is concerned you might check out here:

I have heard good things.
Software - You can create a waypoint on the MFD and export it onto a SD card and open the file using Excel. This will show the format of how the lat/long's are done. It is a csv file.
This is how I did mine.
Thanks for the info.

I'm still lost when it comes to the FCV-585 Mark function and the use of TLL messages. Which Furuno units will accept the TLL message from the FCV-585? What about the TZ touch series? It seems strange that it's so difficult to use this function. Currently I'm using a Garmin 527 for nav and I gave up trying to connect it to the Furuno. They wouldn't communicate at all. My Furuno reads bottom very well at my typical speed of 25knots and the ability to accurately mark from the fish finder will be a great feature so I don't have to turn around and find structure I just ran over.
Which Furuno units will accept the TLL message from the FCV-585?
Almost if not all Furuno plotter units accept the standard TLL NMEA sentence.

What about the TZ touch series?
The TZ touch is NMEA 2000 communications and the FCV585 is NMEA 0183. If you setup a proper NMEA 2000 network and use the Furuno IF-NMEA2k2 converter, TLL would also be accepted by the TZ touch.

Currently I'm using a Garmin 527 for nav and I gave up trying to connect it to the Furuno
To the best of my knowledge, not one Garmin unit ever manufactured supports the standard TLL NMEA sentence. You can verify your unit directly with Garmin.
I did connect my 587 to MFD 12 using nmea0183 and used the postion data output from MFD to provide lat/long on 587 and when hit the mark button it created a waypoint in the 587 list. Is this what you are after?