My Navnet Chart Order History not working

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Went to My Navnet 3d to check if there are updates to my chart MM3-V61-P00. Clicking on Chart Order History doesn't work anymore. It takes me to the Maxsea website. Is there an update available for my chart? :sorry
The link from the Furuno USA site worked for me. Maybe you are not using Internet Explorer? You can always go directly to Map Media and find the chart ( It shows that the current download is V61MAP1.2 (MAP02). You didn't say what you have, so I can't say if it is newer.
The link from the Furuno Website shows me the same information. I was referring to the link from MY Navnet 3d which used to show me details of the chart that I purchased. That link does not work any more and simply takes me to Maxsea's front page.

I went to Mapmedia directly and it shows the latest chart is SDV61P01VMAP03.dbv

I have Map02 and was hoping that there is an upgrade available
It sounds like you are outside our sales and support area, so you would need to check with your local distributor for pricing/policy.

There is indeed a MAP03 on Map Media's web site for that chart. Furuno USA hasn't updated the link. It could still be under evaluation. It normally takes a few weeks once a chart is released, before Furuno USA picks up the new version for distribution. Furuno USA customers who own a license to a MM3 chart, who wish to upgrade to new map revision, should contact their dealer.

Upgrade pricing is normally 50% of the original purchase price and a new unlock code is issued. Minor updates are free and the same unlock works for them. For example V61MAP1.0 (Map01) to V61MAP1.2 (MAP02) is a free update. When V61MAP2.0 comes out; it would require an upgrade to get an unlock code. In this case, the current MAP03 is titled WVNAU61MAP5.1 (different major revision number) on the Map Media web site. This means this would require an upgrade (purchase) from your current license. Again, your local distributor might have different programs/policies, so it is best to speak with them.
The "MyNavNet" site is controlled by Furuno Japan. I will let them know about the issue you have reported with the chart link(s) on your account.