MFD12,BBWGPS,DFF1,HUB 101, DRS4D, PG500R install

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I have an MFD12, DFF1, 525TID-TMD, BBWGPS already hooked up on my boat and working great. I just received a DRS4D, HUB 101 and a PG500R which I hope to install this weekend however I have a few question I hoped you would help me with to be sure I get it right the first time. I currently have the BBWGPS connected to the Data 1 port on the MFD12 and the DFF1 to the Ethernet port of the MFD12. For this new install I understand I can leave the BBWGPS connected to DATA 1 but disconnect the DFF1 Ethernet RJ45 so as to connect the HUB 101 Ethernet RJ45 plug.
1) The Hub 101 is now connected to the Ethernet port of the MFD12 but which port from the HUB 101 or does it matter?
2) Does the HUB 101 power cable go direct to a live 12-24 volt fuse/breaker and stay with power or does it need a physical switch in the cable to turn it on/off?
3) The DFF1 Ethernet RJ45 now plugs into HUB 101 but at which port of the HUB 101 or does it matter?
4) Does the DRS4D power cable plug into the MFD12 DRS port next to the DATA 1 port and the DRS4D Ethernet cable RJ45 to HUB101, again which port of the HUB 101 or does it matter?
5) With just a single MFD12 on the boat do I leave all the internal DIP switches off on the HUB 101?
6) The PG500R connection to the MFD12 is baffling me! As practically as I can discern it indisputably connects to the 18 pin DATA 2 port of the MFD12 utilizing the 18 pin connection cable that came with the MFD12 mated to one or both of the cables supplied with the PG500R. How this is accomplished is bewildering to me! Using the supplied manuals and the internet I have deduced that there are two MFD12 ports (Data2 & Data3) that can be accessed from the 18 pin cable using different wires. I think to use the left PG500R port and mate the PG500R 7 pin connection cable to the 18 pin MFD12 cable at Data2 thus – PG500R 7 pin cable white wire to the brown wire of the MFD12 cable. PG500R blue wire to MFD12 brown/white wire. PG500R yellow wire to MFD12 red wire. PG500R green wire to MFD12 red/white wire. PG500R fused red wire to 12 volt + and PG500R fused black wire to 12 volt – . Or do I have to use the 6 pin cable from the middle PG500R port either by itself or with the 7pin cable OR WHAT?
7) When installing these systems do you prefer Aleve, Tylenol or just plain aspirin?
Look forward to you reply
Best regards- Tarpontony
For this new install I understand I can leave the BBWGPS connected to DATA 1 but disconnect the DFF1 Ethernet RJ45 so as to connect the HUB 101 Ethernet RJ45 plug.


The Hub 101 is now connected to the Ethernet port of the MFD12 but which port from the HUB 101 or does it matter?

Doesn't matter

Does the HUB 101 power cable go direct to a live 12-24 volt fuse/breaker and stay with power or does it need a physical switch in the cable to turn it on/off?

To the breaker/power system

quote]With just a single MFD12 on the boat do I leave all the internal DIP switches off on the HUB 101?[/quote]

Since you have the hub 101; the proper way would be to use the internal power sync switches for (in your case) where the sounder (DFF1) and the MFD12 connect. You will turn power sync "ON" for the two ports you choose to connect these two items into, and leave the other switches at default (Off).

The PG500R connection to the MFD12 is baffling me! As practically as I can discern it indisputably connects to the 18 pin DATA 2 port of the MFD12 utilizing the 18 pin connection cable that came with the MFD12 mated to one or both of the cables supplied with the PG500R

Correct you would wire the heading data into one of your 0183 inputs. The best is to use the provided 18 pin cable for this and choose either data 2 or data 3 to input the heading. There is a real good (detailed) posting on how to install the PG500 compass to the NN3D if you search the forum.

When installing these systems do you prefer Aleve, Tylenol or just plain aspirin?

I use Excedrin :-)
The good thing is when you are done doing the install yourself; you will have a good understanding of how the system is wired and works compared to those who didn't pull out a few hairs in the process.
Hi Johnny
Wow, that was quick! Thanks!
Ok I had seen the post and drawing you have at "viewtopic.php?f=11&t=126" and that is where I gleaned most of my understanding and courage to attempt this install but since I am unfamiliar with even the most basic electronic device I am a little unsure. (The refrigerator light coming on when you open the door is still a mystery to me). In the drawing it looks like you are using two ports of the PG500R, both port 1 (left port facing bow) and the middle port of the Pg500r to make the connections. Also in NavNet manual V3.2 page 74 it states
"Heading Interface to MFD:
To meet the High Speed Heading requirement, it is necessary to directly connect the
output from the NMEA Port (Middle Connector) on the PG500 to one of the three
NMEA0183 Receive Ports on a NN3D MFD. It is easy to make this connection by
cutting and splicing the standard 6 pin-to-6 pin cable, that is supplied standard with the
PG500, to either NMEA0183 Receive Port 2 or Port 3 on the DATA2 Cable of an MFD:
PG500 MFD DATA2 Pig Tail (NMEA Port3)
White Blue
Black Blue/White"
This left me wondering if I can use only the left PG500R port and mate the PG500R 7 pin connection cable to the 18 pin MFD12 cable at Data2 thus – PG500R 7 pin cable white wire to the brown wire of the MFD12 cable. PG500R blue wire to MFD12 brown/white wire. PG500R yellow wire to MFD12 red wire. PG500R green wire to MFD12 red/white wire. PG500R fused red wire to 12 volt + and PG500R fused black wire to 12 volt – .
I will be trying to perform the Install tomorrow if you will give me the go ahead! Thanks Again!
Best regards- Tarpontony
You mean someone really reads the manual :jump

The 7 pin cable used by the PG500 is a power and data cable. The data is also NMEA; just like that offered by the center NMEA connection. You can use both cables (7 pin for power and then wire 6 pin for NMEA data) or just use the 7 pin. Wire the power and then take the NMEA (White + and Blue -) to the NavNet 18 pin cable input (either input 2 or input 3). Once wired, you will need to change the compass to 100ms update rate. (as discribed in the other provided link). When you run the setup wizard of the MFD12 you would put an INPUT checkmark for HEADING where you wired the data.

You can do it. :respect
Hi Johnny
50 years ago when I was 10 I had a similar understanding challenge with my Father who slapped me upside the head and asked did he have to spell everything out for me- to which I promptly replied "It would save a lot of time if you did". Of course I got slapped again. At the risk of trying your patience and hoping that you are far away and a kinder gentler person, I have one more question-
So I just use the pg500r 7 pin connector and hook up the 2 power wires (red & Black) then only hook up the white & blue to the NavNet 18 pin cable and not use the pg500r green & yellow wires?
Then change the compass to 100ms update rate. (as described in the link). AND I AM DONE??
I am not kidding I really am this bad at this!
AND thank you for your time, patience and kindness. - Tarpontony
So I just use the pg500r 7 pin connector and hook up the 2 power wires (red & Black) then only hook up the white & blue to the NavNet 18 pin cable and not use the pg500r green & yellow wires?
Then change the compass to 100ms update rate. (as described in the link). AND I AM DONE??

Correct; except don't forget the setup of the MFD12 software. (Run setup wizard and checkmark the HEADING selection for the port you wired it into.)
Johnny thanks so much for the quick reply- I am on my way to the marina to install everything- will let you know how it went - if you don't hear from me for a few days you will know I either blew something up or I am out on the water with my new Fuuno gear!!