MaxSea common charts overlay to Navnet


Furuno Super Fan
For anybody that is navigating seriously, after a few years the total economic value of its charts is larger that the original cost of the equipment. A feature that would greatly help people make the transition between the old chart format and the new one would be to enable MaxSea to "serve" other chart format than the Mapmedia to the Navnet equipment where it could be overlaid by radar and AIS target.

Like anybody i still have paper charts on my boat, older BSBV3 and CM93 charts which are still usable. Altough the charts exist for Navnet in mapmedia format, i think it is just safety and common sense to be able to reuse older electronic charts; as we did with older paper charts.

What's more, all computer algorythm are already developped for that and MaxSea already has the "chart serving" function.

Hello Andre’,
The only charts that will work with Maxsea TZ and NN3D are the Mapmedia MM3D charts. These are charts made (converted, from various chart source providers) for the 3D engine used by NN3D and Maxsea TZ. For safety, we do not recommend using older charts when updated chart data is available. We provide the entire USA free of charge in both Raster and Vector formats.

Hi Birdman,

I agree that for local and coastal use the Mapmedia format is great, but i purchased the format for my local area in Canada and this is the same map that i already had purchased last year for another software (fugawi). For people staying around this is one valid point but i intend to go sailing for several years around the world and i would have to buy 10 000 $ of new charts ! since i already own most of them in other format... this is why i was suggesting that.
