Integration of DFF-3D into Nobeltec TZ V3

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All's Well

I am preparing to add the new Furuno DFF-3D sounder to my existing set-up and need a bit of advise. I currently run Nobeltec TZ V3 on a PC computer with duel 27" displays on my 70' power boat. I have the PBG sounder software module installed as well as the Furuno DRS4D-CM radar and TZ radar module installed into my Nobeltec TZ.
It's my understanding that I will have to purchase a 'black box sounder' from Furuno as well as one or more new transducers although I am struggling trying to figure out exactly what to purchase and what connection wiring will be required.
Any additional information, i.e. part numbers or reference materials would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Cyril
All's Well,
What transducer are you currently using with your PBG module?

It is difficult for me to identify the sensor, it is mounted directly below the generator and the tag that is normally on the lead wire is missing. It was installed when the boat was built with its original Ray Marine ST 60 indicators in 2002. It feeds the NMEA 2000 buss thru a seatalk converter which provides depth info to my Nobeltec system.

I have a second independent transducer that is part of my Echopilot FLS plotter display which does not really display easy to understand information. it is not connected to the NMEA 2000 buss and rarely used.

Thanks, Cyril
All's Well,
Thank you the additional information.
Below is a very basic wiring diagram that my help you. I would recommend looking at using the 165T-B54 transducer for the DFF3D. Hope this helps.



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I am currently using Maxsea TZ v3.3 with the Lowrance Point-1 connected through actisense NGT-1 and I dont have any problems with it
Thanks for the tip on the Lowrance Point-1 GPS. At present I already have two Maretron GPS antennas connected directly thru the NMEA 2000 buss and working good. My problem is the old Ray Marine depth sensor that is connected thru a Sea-talk converter that is not reliable because they are not really NMEA 2000 certified. For example the Sea-talk converter cannot transmit 'rudder angle' because it does not recognize the NMEA 2000 PGN.

I'm shopping for a good state of the art replacement depth sensor that is compatible with TZ v3.3 and will not conflict with my Furuno radar Ethernet connection.

Thanks, Cyril
Good morning All's Well,

I guess we need to confirm a couple of things. You mention you need a Depth Senor, I think of a Depth Sensor as a smart transducer that provides a digital depth to an instrument cluster or display. A Depth Sensor in my mind is not a Fish Finder, it does not show you any water column information or profile of what the bottom looks like. A Depth Sensor just provides a digital depth number to a particular display.

So are you looking for a sensor just to provide this digital depth number?
Or are you looking for a system that can provide not only depth, but water column information such as fish targets and bottom profile information?

These are two drastically different things and I want to make sure we are along the same line.

C-Bass, You're right, and I apologize for not being more specific. The problem is it takes a lot more typing to explain exactly what I'm thinking!

I am nearing the end of completely rebuilding my bridge electrical systems. I have gutted the dash of all instruments with just a series of 27" displays remaining, driven by a PC running Maretron N2K View and Nobeltec TZ 3.3. I have eliminated almost all my old NMEA 0183 devices and have most every device reporting thru NMEA 2000, auto pilot, radio, radar, GPS, heading sensor, weather station, engine blowers, etc. All that is left is my old ST60 Ray marine system that is principally the depth sensor. Since I am committed to upgrading this, I thought I should explore something more sophisticated than simply a depth sensor, thus my interest in a DFF-3D.

Important to the discussion is the fact that I have never caught a fish in my life and probably never will! My real desire is to improve my ability to conduct bottom survey work and the possibility of forward looking sonar. At present I am using the TZ PBG module effectively however I would like to have a wider scan of the bottom. I also have an Echopilot FLS forward looking plotter feeding one of my displays however it is almost useless... very difficult to understand the displayed information.

Soo, with all these new depth devices I am struggling trying to pick the right upgrade, your thoughts.

Thanks, Cyril