
I am using a IF-NMEA2K2 to convert from 0183 to n2k for a FA-150. I don't see support for AIVDO messages. Is there any support for own-ship AIS reporting? I am getting the appropriate AIVDM messages for contacts, but I would like to see own ship reports to report it to Marine Traffic. I can synthesize a VDM message for own ship with other software, but it would be cleaner/preferable to get it from the FA-150. From what I can tell, the FA-150 isn't generating VDO messages and if it did, the IF-NMEA2K2 doesn't know how to convert VDO messages. Am I missing something?

Yeeesssss, I know the FA-150 is a commercial device on my recreational boat. This question is about its capabilities rather than configuration, so maybe the gods of exclusion will let this one pass. : )
Make sure the connection from the FA150 is Com 1, 2, 3, or 4. Set the connected com port to EXT DISPLAY. It will output:
AIS General output VDM, VDO, ABK, ACA, ACS, ALR, TXT, LR1, LR2, LR3, LRF, LRI.

The problem is the IF-NMEA2K2 doesn't convert VDO. However, it Looks like the Actisense NGW-1-AIS will convert VDO.
