How to buy C-MAP unlock codes


Furuno Fan
On my TZT16F, the charts catalog has dozens of locked C-MAP charts. How do I buy the unlock codes to use them? I need to get charts for the Great Lakes and Georgian Bay, but only seems to sell physical media. Thanks!
While if you call C-map, they can sell unlock codes; most codes are purchased from your Furuno dealer. They will need to know the area and type of chart you wish to purchase and the system ID number from your unit. Chart options can be found by look at the Furuno website under "Discover Products - Browse all products - Charts for NN3D, TZT, TZT1, TZT2, and TZT3"
Thanks for the replies. I called C-Map. Seems they only have one guy who knows how to do this. His name is Paul and he doesn't return phone calls. No worries, I have a workaround for this one small section of Canada that wasn't covered by my charts.
Your Furuno or C-map dealer is likely better to work with on buying MM3 charts. C-map support has been very overwhelmed after they were purchased by Navico. Great charts but you will likely get better support directly from your dealer.