GP30 data download


Furuno Super Fan

I'm attempting to download the waypoints/tracks in a GP30.
Connected to computer with opto4 data cable and USB-serial adaptor
I can see the regularly repeating intervals of NMEA data streaming from the GP30.
When I go to send the data to PC, it stops the repeating NMEA data after "are you sure" on the menu (figure 7-16) and "Hit any key" (figure 7-17). I hit a key, and the NMEA data starts flowing again. Nothing comes across regarding waypoints/tracks.

I have verified there are waypoints in the GP30 to send.
I have turned off DGPS as per page 7-6 note2.

I presume I'd see a stream of sentences containing waypoint data while it sends things?

I also tried the Furuno loader and it did not detect the GP30. Data is being viewed in both Putty and Mttty (but not at the same time)

It sounds like you have the GP30 port one wired to the PC when you need to have port 2 wired to the interface.
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