GP1971 and Instrument/Engine page


New member
I have a full page Engine display and when I went to edit this page and it came up with a list of engine data points. I wasn't sure what do with it because I can select only one item. How do I select the items of interest? Engine RPM, hours, fuel rate, water temperature, water pressure etc.. Looked through the owner's manual, not much help.

Have you already configured the engines as described in the installation manual (pg 18 & 27)? If the engines are configured the process of setting up the instrument page (starting on 9-1) is pretty detailed but it is in the operator's manual (not install manual). One of the key things is if you are quick tapping or tapping and hold (long press) because it brings up diffrent options. You should try both to see what I mean. Here are some videos on the product that you might find helpful in learning the product. You tube is full of them. If you play with it a little I am sure you will get the hang of the long push. (useful demo starting at 1min 30sec)
The operator's manual, 9.3.4 is just not detailed enough. The first video might have helped some but it's in Turkish, Google does a poor job of translating the closed caption from Turkish to English.
plapinta":skah0v7s said:
I have a full page Engine display and when I went to edit this page and it came up with a list of engine data points. I wasn't sure what do with it because I can select only one item. How do I select the items of interest? Engine RPM, hours, fuel rate, water temperature, water pressure etc.. Looked through the owner's manual, not much help.


With the instrument page, there's a lot of options. What you are viewing is the "Engine Meter" page. That is, the page with Engine(s) RPM values and one top value you can edit. On this page you can add up to 5 data boxes to the left column, in addition to the RPM Gauge for a total of 7 data points on that page (6 of which you can customize).

For a simpler method, I might suggest using the "Multiple Databox" page instead, all 6 boxes are customizable.

Hope this clarifies,

- Maggy


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How do I create this “multiple data box” please explain step by step
I only see pages that contain up to three boxes

It seems that all dsta boxes are the same? Ex I can't have 1 data box for fishfinder and another different one for navigation?
Furuno_Config1.jpgI was able to create two pages with the data of interest. I used a multi data box instrument panel. I used Config 1 as a template.

It would be nice if Config 1 -6 was documented somewhere, each config is unique.

Also, you cannot have more than one Instrument panel on the home page. You can create them but they are all duplicates of the first.
plapinta":1ibtkj5c said:
Anyone know if "Fuel used" is a function of the engine sending data or a calculation by the GP1971?


I think it is a function of the GP1971F/1871F and a engine gateway; using the Manual Fuel Management (e.g. HOME > SETTINGS > Initial Setup > Manual Fuel Management > Manual "on" and total fuel capacity setup) in conjunction with fuel rate data coming from your engine gateway via PGN129489.

Hope this helps, :sail

- Maggy
I too am having difficulty setting up my instrument gauges on the GP1971. In particular I cannot get the fuel used function to work. All other fuel indications work (fuel economy, fuel rate, litre's per Km, engine hours etc) but not fuel used. I have 2 x outboards set up, and manual fuel volume also set up. Not sure what I am missing so any help from those who have it set up and working would be greatly appreciated.