Although forum members outside Furuno USA's sales and support area are welcome here; folks should give their own Furuno distributors a chance to address their concerns. There are issues that can uniquely affect users based on their regions/languages. The local distributor has a better gage on their region and the impact/severity of the reported problem. What might not be an issue for one region might be a show stopper for another. It helps when more than one distributor is reporting an issue to Furuno Japan, so it can get the focus it needs.
I haven’t had any complaints on this in the US region. I did go back see one of your past forum postings that roughly talked about this. I couldn’t duplicate your complaint at the time. Have you reported this to your local distributor? Today I checked our units and again couldn’t duplicate your concern. I was able to select Kilometers for the long range measurement without problems, using v2.11 software.
Do you have radar as part of your system? I noticed that the selection is not selectable unless you have radar connected. I am not sure why it must have radar, but explains why we have had no complaints. Most folks have radar here, and those who don’t normally run in Nautical miles.