Furuno VX2 Radar and Video sounder

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My problem is:
The display unit was turned on by 'a person' repeatably pushing the power-bril button multiple times.
This appeared to reboot the system as the yacht appeared to be positioned in Seattle.
I was able , by following the instructions to set up the system again.I did lose all my waypoints and other data.
The plotter is functioning fine. GPS, map, waypoints. etc.
Here is the Problem.
The sounder is showing a a variable depth wave. Meaning when turned on it appears as if one is going over a hilly ground from 8 meters to 20 meters and it just continues with this pattern but is does vary with the depth it shows.
Problem No 2.
The radar when powered up does 'one' sweep and the shows a image that is not where we are.
This unit is a replacement for the same unit that I had for 5 years that worked great until the screen failed.
This unit has worked for seven or so months before this problem.
We are a working Yacht based in the Philippines. There is no real support here.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
FURUNO NAVnet VX2 Plotter GD-1920C, Radar 1834C
I would check to ensure that you simulation mode is setup for LIVE for both the radar and the sounder in your settings. It sounds like someone has put them into a Simulation.
Hello Johnny,
Thank you for the quick reply.
I will look at the settings and get back to you,
Hi again,
Well, what is so obvious once pointed out, and yet was not detected by phone calls to the installer and the B&G technician that looked into it, not counting my many ,. many hours of searching for the answer, has solved the problem.
We cruise and charter in a reef infested and poorly charted area, and having the video sounder back is fantastic.

Thank you for the input and thanks to this Furuno board.

Kind regards,