Furuno tzt3 12, Trip and fuel consumption

Furuno tzt3 12, I was able to see trip miles how many fuel i used and so on, don't know i did but i can find it anymore ive looked on General, Initial setup but I can't see it anymore, just ran to the Bahamas and woul love to know how she did. Thanks in advance for the help
Good morning Sparky, when it comes to fuels have figured it out, but there's a way to set your next service hours for portside and starboard side some how it's gone, Just came back from a two hour trip I can't find it!!
I have never seen any option for trip fuel. Is there such a thing? I have the two trip distance logs set up (one cumulative and one I use for trips) but is there a corresponding fuel used log?
I have never seen any option for trip fuel. Is there such a thing? I have the two trip distance logs set up (one cumulative and one I use for trips) but is there a corresponding fuel used log?
When I go to home, setting, initial setup, I scroll down to where it says Yamaha and it has trip, hours, fuel consumption and I can setup maintenance too!!!
When I go to home, setting, initial setup, I scroll down to where it says Yamaha and it has trip, hours, fuel consumption and I can setup maintenance too!!!

Sounds as though it may be specific to the Yamaha engine interface and not available if you have only NMEA 2000 engine data. Too bad, trip fuel would be helpful. I can do it by subtraction if I make note of the manual fuel reading but it would be nice to have it in a data box.