File Import


New member
If I import a GPX file that I have added additional waypoints to since the last time it was imported. Will it just add the additional waypoints? I don't won't to create duplicates or lose any spots I have saved on my machine while fishing that are not in my GPX file yet.
If you load in waypoints it will overwrite what you have already. If you want to create additional points they should be placed on a drive that already has your points from the TZT2 loaded. Maintain that drive as a master. So if you are out one day and add a point or 2 directly in the TZT save the entire file to the drive to use as a master file.
I was contacted last evening by one of our senior techs. He informed me that using the .GPX file can create duplicates. He mentioned that it is always best to clear the points before bringing in a GPX file. After that we recommend that you stick with TZD file format