FI-5001 wind transducer connectors


New member
Hi. My wind instrument has stopped working, no data shows up on FI70 display, navnet 3d or autopilot. Also my system lost its position. The first fault located that was somehow causing the system to lose position was that the data interface for the wind instrument was malfunctioning. When disconnected the system got the position back. With a new interface installed and connected the position issue is resolved (btw this is the second interface that braeks for me). However there was still no data from the wind instrument so I replaced the instrument itself, but without success. This leads me to think that there is a cable connection issue somewhere. That is a potentially big problem for me since my mast is 30+ meters. In order to verify the potential cable/connection issue I need to connect the wind instrument with a short cable into the junction box/interface and see if it works. In order to do this I want to patch in a new six pin contact to the short cable (I don't want to cut the contact from the instrument). My problem right now is that I don't know which color wire goes to which pin in the female contact and I can't find any info on it. I would appreciate input on this and the recurring interface/position issue. Thanks!
When you installed the new converter, I'm assuming IF-NMEA2K2, did you set it up to be a wind sensor? They come default from us as a tank sender.
Fortunately you have an FI70 so this is easy.
On the FI70, Menu - IF-NMEAFI - Select IF (pick it) - Category (pick wind)
You may need to power cycle the NMEA 2000 once or twice to get it going after the change.

This setting gets most people. We try to let our dealers know to make a note when they order them about how it needs to be set.

I meant to say IF-NMEAFI, not IF-NMEA2K2.
Fortunately you have an FI70 so this is easy.
On the FI70, Menu - IF-NMEAFI - Select IF (pick it) - Category (pick wind)
You may need to power cycle the NMEA 2000 once or twice to get it going after the change.

This setting gets most people. We try to let our dealers know to make a note when they order them about how it needs to be set.

I meant to say IF-NMEAFI, not IF-NMEA2K2.
Thanks. I will try this and keep my fingers crossed. :)
Fortunately you have an FI70 so this is easy.
On the FI70, Menu - IF-NMEAFI - Select IF (pick it) - Category (pick wind)
You may need to power cycle the NMEA 2000 once or twice to get it going after the change.

This setting gets most people. We try to let our dealers know to make a note when they order them about how it needs to be set.

I meant to say IF-NMEAFI, not IF-NMEA2K2.
Success. Thanks again!
Good evening. I'm having a very similar issue. My wind stopped working and wreaked havoc with other N2K instruments (position, AP, etc). My local distributer replaced my IF-NMEAFI under warranty as it has been installed less than a year. I connected the new data converter today and tried to configure it in one of my FI70's. I was able to select the IF-NMEAFI device, but the "category" field is blank and I'm not able to select "wind".
Here's the really odd part. When I installed my NMEA backbone, I installed a second redundant backbone for troubleshooting. The primary backbone is fed from the 24V house bank through a Victron DC-DC converter and the secondary backbone is fed from the 12V house bank through another Victron DC-DC converter. If I move one FI70 and the IF-NMEAFI (wind) to the secondary backbone, I'm able to view the categories and select "wind". However, I still do not get a wind reading.

Any thoughts or suggestions? Are there voltages I can test at the terminal strip? Currently in getting approximately 12V between the red and black days converter wire. I assume this means 12V is going to the instrument. And I'm about 5V between orange and black, 6V between brown and black, and 0.2 bolts between grey and black.

You assistance is greatly appreciated.

Warm regards,
It sounds like you have problems with your primary NMEA 2000 bus. Whatever damaged the IF-NMEAFI may have also damaged the anemometer.
You need to check the NMEA 2000 bus with a Maretron or Peak blue meter to ensure that all the electrical values are correct.
As for troubleshooting the anemometer, there is nothing to check aside form proper wiring. It works, or it does not.
It sounds like you have problems with your primary NMEA 2000 bus. Whatever damaged the IF-NMEAFI may have also damaged the anemometer.
You need to check the NMEA 2000 bus with a Maretron or Peak blue meter to ensure that all the electrical values are correct.
As for troubleshooting the anemometer, there is nothing to check aside form proper wiring. It works, or it does not.
Thank you very much for your reply Fish tech.
I had the same suspicions. However, I use the Actisense A2K-TER-U Universal Micro Terminator at both ends of both networks. And all terminators are green. Additionally, I have an Actisense NGT-1 NME 2000 PC Gateway and I'm running the Actisense NMEA Reader software. I can't see any issues on either network. I can see the IF-NMEAFI on the network as SRC 1 and I can see the time actively changing. However, both wind speed and direction values are 0.
Sounds like my problem is likely the anemometer or the cable in the mast. Bummer - was hoping to avoid going up the mast, but I suppose this is more inevitable.

Thanks again,
Those terminators only monitor the polarity and voltage on the net-s (DV+) and net-c (DC-) lines. The signal voltages across net-h (white) and net-l (blue) are a critical indication of network health and can only be confirmed with a Peak or Maretron "blue meter" or an oscilloscope.