Few questions


Furuno Fan
I had my TZT2 for about one year now. No complaints works very well. Two questions, is there a way to make the points disappear on the chart while keeping them on the list? Have a boat load of points and it adds much clutter on the chart. Second when entering a new waypoint I tap the screen make a new point, then edit that point with the correct numbers. Is there any other way?

I had my TZT2 for about one year now. No complaints works very well. Two questions, is there a way to make the points disappear on the chart while keeping them on the list?
Basically you are asking to hide your waypoints. (not show them but keep them for future use) This is done easy enough. You can't hide just one point but you can hide all the waypoint names from the chart or the entire points.

Home-Settings-points-and turning off display of point names will hide the names.
Swipe from the bottom to see the layer and turning off points, will hide all your points from the screen.