FCV595 new release this spring?

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Hello I am thinking to buy the FCV585 but I saw that you do some new releases of devices usually in Springs so I thought I can wait in case you will release a new model this spring.
Do you know when the fununo new models for this spring will be announced? I mean is it during a specific exhibition period that they are released? :furuno
The replacement for the FCV-585 is in the final testing phase. Hopefully it will be ready for release in the 3rd quarter.

Hellos is there any estimated price range? Are there any pictures of it available? When you say released you mean announced or it will be available at shops in the 3rd quarter?

One last question about CHIRP. So now the users of new 585 will have to buy 2 transducers (one LH and one LM, meaning that M260 will be replaced by M265-LH and LM)?
The replacement for the FCV-585 will not be a Chirp sounder, availability is later this year(possiblity Q3) and at this time we are still working on the price.

Very disappointing news :sorry

I was going to wait for the new furuno but now I started wondering...

Does furuno has any official position about CHIRP? I mean other companies released CHIRP products a year ago and furuno plans to release after half year or more new 585 that still will not be CHIRP.

I can not understand this situation. Why furuno stays away from CHIRP and also doesnt comments about this officially? :huh
We will introduce a new stand-alone CHIRP Sounder in the summer of this year and then introduce a BB model for the NavNet toward the end of 2012.
So the new 585 that will be released in the 3rd quarter will not be CHIRP but this other stand-alone unit that will be released in summer will be CHIRP.

Now it makes sense. Most probably this unit will be bigger than 8.4 inch and more expensive and maybe you want to keep the price if new 585 low:)

At least some good news!

So will the new or existing 585 be able to utilize the new CHIRP black-box? Because if not new and existing 585 users will not be able to CHIRP...
Any idea what the size of the units will be? I have a FCV 295 that I bought with the idea of replacing when the new CHIRP units came out. I have the R-399 transducer that I was told was CHIRP compatible. Will the new unit fit in the hole for the FCV 295?
Fish Magnet,
We should know about the case size of the new Chirp very soon. As for the R-399 since it is not a Chirp ducer we will need to experiment with it to see if it can handle the longer duty cycle that a Chirp sounder puts out. The Chirp ducers will tend to run warmer and thus have an internal heat sink to help diss1pate the extra heat that is generated. The R-399 runs warmer anyway since it is mounted in an oil box and not cooled by sea water.

Snips- are you sure about the R399 not being a CHIRP ducer? I was told that it was when I purchased it and the Airmar lit seems to indicate that it is as well

http://www.airmartechnology.com/uploads ... s/R399.pdf

The Furuno rep at the FT Lauderdale boat show in 2010 told me that if I bought that ducer I would be able to upgrade to CHIRP when you introduced it. I dont think it is in an oil filled box either. If it wasnt the correct transducer, that would impact on me upgrading- I paid about 3 thousand for that ducer and Sea Vee made a special glass box in the bottom of the boat to house that big beast.
Fish Magnet,
In checking the R-399 brochure it mentions Broadband but not Chirp. Broadband means that the transducer can handle a range of frequencies without a performance drop off. Broadband and Chirp are two different things. The R-599LH is basically the Chirp version of the R-399. The R-599LH has a wider frequency range on the LF side (28 to 60Khz) where the R-399 covers 25 to 45Khz, the HF side of both transducers are the same 130 to 210Khz. The R-399 was meant to be installed in a fluid filled box but we have heard of some installations where the transducer was removed from the box and glassed directly into the hull of the vessel.

It sounds like I got some inaccurate information from the "experts" at the time.

Does that mean that this transducer wont work with CHIRP machines or wont work as well? If it will work, how much of a fall off in performance will I see compared to the new 599 transducer?

How much more performance would I be seeing from a comparable CHIRP machine and a CHIRP transducer vs my current FCV 295 and 3 kw R399 ducer?
will the new 599 transducer be the same footprint as the prior R399 ducer?
Fish Magnet,
The brochure shows the foot print of the 599 being smaller than the 399, I haven't seen the cases so that question may be better answered by Airmar. I will be testing shortly the 309 against the 509LH with an FCV-1150. This first test will be to see if a Chirp ducer can improve the performance of a non-Chirp sounder. After we receive the Chirp sounder I will do this test again to see the performance difference the another direction.

Snips- I really appreciate your input and I know that some of these questions may not be knowable until the new units are out in the field and put thru their paces. Is there some expectation of how much the CHIRP equipment will improve performance over current Furuno equipment based on theoretical calculations?
Fish Magnet,
When we first started testing the Chirp sounder it was before the Chirp ducers were available. These first tests were with off the shelf transducers and they yielded some pretty impressive images, specially with fish close to the bottom. It's pretty common knowledge that the better your transducer the better your sounding system will work. I wondered at that time if we were able to see that type of resolution what would we see with a transducer that was designed to operate with a Chirp sounder. To say how much better is relative to the sounder/transducer combination that you are currently using. All I can say now is that I am pretty sure you are going to like what you see.

I bought the FCV 295 and R399 ducer with the intention of upgrading my sounder to take advantage of the new technology when it became available. The current set up is outstanding as is but better is always better. I guess I will have to wait and see when more is known about the capabilities of the new sounder and how they will work with my current built in transducer. Please keep us posted on any new developments
Fish Magnet,
We will keep you posted. BTW I had a chance to test a R-509 against a R-309 today using a FCV-1150. I was curious to see if adding a Chirp ducer to a non-Chirp sounder what the performance difference would be. There was a slight performance increase using the 509 but nothing that a little more gain on the 309 couldn't match.

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