FCV295 and R309


New member
Hi Snips,

We are in the middle of installing a new R309 and FCV 295 and are excited to be using it in the near future. One question, we would like to install the 295 in such a way that it is removable from the flybridge of our boat if it is going to set idle for more than a couple days. Ultimately I would like to install an inline, waterproof plug, which would require cutting the transducer cable. I have always understood that cutting the transducer cable isn't a good idea, but what are your thoughts? If it's reasonable to do install a plug, what type of plug would you recommend?

Thank you for any insights you can share!

I think you have a couple of options available. If done correctly finding some waterproof connectors is an option. Just know that good connectors will be expensive and most likely require some soldering. I haven't had to source these type of connectors in over ten years so I am afraid that I can't advise you where to find them. Even if you installed connectors on the transducer cables you would still have the plugs/sockets exposed and need to waterproof them when not connected along with the power and NMEA cables. Another option would simply unplug the transducers from the back of the sounder, place them in plastic bags and seal them up. This may take a couple of minutes longer, but at the end of the day accomplishes the same goal in protecting the plugs.

Hi Snips,

Thanks for the reply, I greatly appreciate it! Realistically, waterproof isn't necessary, but I always like to err on the side of caution. Plus, most of the IP68 standard plugs are quite robust and, in my experience, tend to last and not cause issues down the line.

Just to confirm, you see no issue cutting the transducer cable to install a plug?

Thank you!
