FAX30 displays only 7 weatherfax



Hello there. Any FAX30 experts in the house? I recently purchased a used unit and managed, with some IT help, to get it working with my laptop. I am fairly impressed with its ability to pick up weatherfaxes and navtex here in the marina. One thing puzzles me though.
The manual says it should display a total of 12 weatherfaxes, 6 on each page. My unit never displays more than 7 no matter how wide I set the receive time. It starts out displaying the first received fax on page 2 and then immediately goes to page 1 where it displays 6 more.'
It is like there are 5 ghost faxes on page 2.
Any idea why it is doing this and how I can get it to store 12 faxes?

PS: I got my N2K network going with new instruments and an RD33 all connected to the MFD12. Really like that RD33 for its customizability.
The "UP TO" is the key.
It is what I call spin. It can get UP TO 12 faxes IF each fax has very little data on each. The unit has so much memory and when it's full, it's full. I found the typical amount is 6 faxes. It sounds like yours is doing exactly what it should.

I got my N2K network going with new instruments and an RD33 all connected to the MFD12. Really like that RD33 for its customizability.

Thanks Johnny
I thought a weatherfax was a weatherfax but I guess its not that simple. I really only need 3 or 4 specific ones anyway so if I can get it set to receive those I am happy.