Thank you, Johnny, for your response. We have since purchased an AIS unit from Em-Trak. We have successfully connected the AIS data to our chartplotter using the data 2 input cable, however, we have lost the depth info from the chartplotter that was input via data 2. The Em-track has 2 ports on it. Port 1 is for nmea0183 Baud 38400 for the AIS data, port 2 is for the nmea0183 Baud 4800 data, and then the output wires in Port 1 send the data to the cable going to the chartplotter which is data 2 on the chartplotter.
We have the RD-30 depth finder connected to the AIS port 2 in order to pass the data to the chartplotter.
The chartplotter is receiving both the AIS data and the depth data for about 3-5 minutes and then we lose the depth data and the AIS data is fine.
We have powered the AIS with its own circuit breaker on the dc panel. The chartplotter, vhf radio, and rd-30 are all powered from the same circuit breaker. Do you think that we could have a power issue that causes the depth data to disappear from the screen?