Exporting Marks & Routes

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Furuno Super Fan
I am a new user of Explorer and I'd like to understand how to export marks & routes I've created in Planning Mode at home.

First: when I select the "Export" option under the MaxSea button, I am offered four (4) format choices, including TimeZero Data. The User Manual, however only describes three format choices: nothing on TimeZero Data format.

So my first question is: if I want to Export marks & routes I've created in Planning mode to a back-up file, WHAT IS THE BEST FORMAT TO USE FOR THIS PURPOSE?

Second question: I have removed the SD card containing the Vector chart I use from my MFD12 and installed this on my home computer where I have EXPLORER loaded. I then loaded this chart into MaxSea (via a 'linked' code provided by Johnny...thank you). Second question: Can I export the routes & marks created in Planning mode directly to this NN3D SD card installed on my home computer OR is my only option to return to boat with laptop and SD card and conect laptop to NN3D network, select the route/mark in MaxSea and then select the 'Send to NavNet3d' option? (I would prefer to be able to update my NN3D SD card at home and not have to take laptop to boat if that is possible).

thanks in advance for help.
The new “TZD” format would be the best for doing backups. Unlike the GPX or CSV file format, this new TZD file format also includes all the “metadata” (for example Pictures that can be attached to Marks) and thus guarantee the full integrity of the data being exchanged or saved.

Second question: Can I export the routes & marks created in Planning mode directly to this NN3D SD card installed on my home computer OR is my only option to return to boat with laptop and SD card and conect laptop to NN3D network, select the route/mark in MaxSea and then select the 'Send to NavNet3d' option? (I would prefer to be able to update my NN3D SD card at home and not have to take laptop to boat if that is possible).

Normally you could export your data in the NN3D “CSV” format via the SD card and bring it over to the NN3D but due to a current software issue, it is not possible. MaxSea has promised to fix this in the next version. Currently, you would have to take the PC and connect it to the NN3D network.
They haven't given any time line that I am aware of. The current version (1.9.6) released in June 2011, so I would expect something around the same time frame, this year. (Just a blind guess)
This renders the Maxsea Navigator software just about useless to me. I can not export marks and routes created on my computer via sd card to my NN3D. Maxsea is installed on a desktop and not transportable to my boat. I also can not import tracks from the MFD back to my Maxsea install. I can load the tracks in Google maps! Just what is the function of Navigator? Even when you could export routes and points created in Maxsea to the NN3D via sd card, the file completely overwrote the NN3D data you could not merge the data. Navigator needs a serious overhaul just to provide users with basic functionality.

I agree that current version (1.9.6) of MaxSea TZ Navigator isn't for using as a planner package for the NN3D (Mainly due to the current waypoint/route export problem). Ultimately TZ Navigator is designed to be a standalone PC plotter package and works well. MaxSea has promised that the next version will resolve this export issue, but even when resolved it might not be the best planner package. I say this because there is no cross license agreement on the charts that you purchase, like the one TZ Explorer offers.
The issue is not with the charts. The issue is with data. I cant export data developed in Maxsea to my NN3D system and I cant import historical data, in particular, tracks, generated by my NN3d system to Maxsea. This is precisely why I purchased Navigator. I have neither the need nor the ability to connect my laptop to NN3D. I have a 24' center console. NN3D has an export function so I naively assumed it would work with Furuno's planning software, Navigator, since nowhere was it stated that the export function only worked with Explorer which cost over twice the price of Navigator and had no additional functionality that I needed.
Furuno should either have Maxsea offer this simple import/export functionality or withdraw the product from the market since it serves no useful purpose in its current configuration.
In light of the above, with all due respect, I take issue with your comment that the software works well. It runs. It doesn't work well since it has no functionality in the NN3d family of products.
PS As noted, I can view track data exported from NN3D in Google so why can't it be done in Maxsea.
Good news. I have confirmed with MaxSea, that new version of MaxSea with corrected CSV export, will be available end of February. Please note that this is for transfer of Point and Routes. The tracking isn’t possible to transfer as previous discussed here in the forum. You can change a track into a route and transfer. When the new version is available, we will post the information here on the Furuno Forum in addition to the normal methods of customer notification. Thanks for your input.
Sorry for the late reply to your post. I've been availing myself of the spectacular C&R LTJ fishing at the CBBT near Virginia Beach and had no internet connection.
Thanks, that is good news. Now if they could just modify the software to allow you to simply export tracks without all the track-to-route conversion gyrations, it would really work for me.
Johnny: MAXSEA obviously missed February for that important Export fix....any update on when it might now be coming?

tks & rgds
I commend you on your follow-up. I asked MaxSea that same question, yesterday. They said the software is finished but going through extensive testing. They now say the expected public release to be during the week of 12 March. (I guess as long as the testing goes well) Thanks for the question.
You can export either TZD or CSV to card. Haven't tried to load into MFD yet. Better/more accurate current data including graph. Active Captain doesn't seem to work even after reloading all data and checking all the "switches" / Also the default opening calendar date is set as 7/224/2011. It must be manually updated upon startup each time... Package seems to load faster than before. Still want to be able to import tracks from MFD.

If you are still having problems with your active captian or your calendar; you should contact tech support. Mine works fine as does the others I have spoken with. It could be the problem is related based on the old date your PC is showing/using.
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