Explorer Bahamas Raster Chart broken

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I recently bought the Explorer Bahamas raster chart set and promptly ran into a pretty major geo-referencing problem on the chart set. The exact chart pack is:

Furuno Name: MM3-R01-P00
MapMedia Name: WRJNA01MAP2.2
Name as reported by NN3D and MaxSea: SDR01P01MAP03

As an aside, I'm glad my Furuno/MaxSea system is the only place in my life where everything has three different names and nothing to tell which are synonyms to what.

Anyway, there is an Explorer waypoint named Great Sale Cay labeled as, and located at 26 58.60N, 78 13.80W. On the larger scale view it is correctly located, along with it's namesake, Great Sale Cay. However, as you zoom in to make an approach to Great Sale key, the more detailed chart AB1 kicks in and is miss-located. The whole detailed chart is shifted 0.5NM south from it's correct position. It makes the chart useless for navigating around Great Sale.

Please let me know when there is an update.
Because this is a raster chart, the symptom you're describing is normal because the chart is over-zoomed. Raster charts are basically scanned in paper charts that are layered for display on a screen and are not scalable. If you look in the upper left corner of the NN3 display, you'll probably see a red folder that indicated that the chart is over-zoomed. Zoom out until that folder turns a yellowish color that indicates normal zoom. This indication can be found on page 2-4 of the Operator's Manual, Section 2.2 Chart Scale.

Unfortunately, we don't have any control over chart builds. The charts are all compiled/managed by Mapmedia. If you still believe there is a chart problem, I suggest submitting your finding directly to: mapmedia@mapmedia.com. As an alternative, if you have a MaxSea TZ computer program with a valid 'T0' license number, you can submit your finding directly to: https://www.maxsea.com/support/anomaly_report.

The best place to find what chart name goes with what is the NAVnet 3D preloaded charts list. This can be found under any MFD page, such as the MFD12...click on 'Manuals & Docs', 'Miscellaneous' and choose 'NavNet 3D Preloaded Charts' file: http://www.furunousa.com/ProductDocumen ... Charts.pdf
No, it's not over zoomed. Just look at the more detailed chart (AB 01) at that location, and place your cursor over the waypoint mark. You will see that the actual location is off by 1/2 nm. On the larger chart, overzoomed or not, it's in the correct location. I was just there and if the detailed chart is correct, I crossed land and anchored over night on the beach, then crossed land again to leave the next morning. Radar also confirms the land location is correct on the larger scale chart, but off on the detailed chart. I get the same results on both an MFD12 and MaxSea Explorer.

I'll report it to MapMedia, but I have to say it's frustrating that I can only buy charts through Furuno for this system, yet you wash your hands of any problems. Quite frankly, you should be dealing with MapMedia over this issue, not me.

Thanks for the link to the decoder ring for the chart names. It helps, but doesn't include the MapMedia "third name" name for the chart pack, which is ultimately what you go down load and what gets listed on the receipt from Furuno. For example, my receipt and unlock codes for this chart doesn't list either of the names in your PDF for that chart. Instead it lists the MapMedia name. It think this is one of those things where you are too close to it to see the problem. For those of us who only deal with this once a year or so to update and maybe add a new chart, it's super confusing.
I think TheReaper misunderstood your exact question/complaint. We looked and verified exactly what you are talking about. I appreciate that you reported it. Normally, it is best to allow customers to report issues directly to MapMedia just in case there are a lot of back and forth follow-up questions. I would gladly file the anomaly report. It is unclear to me if it is how they stitched the raster together at that location or a true chart offset issue; but I agree that something appears out.