DSC and TZT9

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I have a TZT9 and an IF-NMEA2K2 on my NMEA 2000 network. I connected the output of the IF-NMEA2K2 to the NMEA 0183 port of a Standard-Horizon GX5500 VHF and the radio is receiving position data just fine. However, I tried to connect the NMEA 0183 output from the VHF to the receive port on the IF-NMEA2K2 so that I could get DSC messages on the TZT9 and it does not seem to work when tested.

The manual for the IF-NMEA2K2 says that it will convert the NMEA 0183 DSC data to NMEA 2000 format. Is there some trick to this?

I also had a problem with my Cummins/Smartcraft Vessel View display not seeing waypoint and depth data (VesselView will calculate and display fuel to waypoint if it has SOG and waypoint distance from NMEA 0183 port) although it was getting SOG and course data from the IF-NMEA2K2. I tried cutting the wires to put it in "Zeus" mode which solved the waypoint problem but not the lack of depth data.

Do we know yet if the NMEA 0183 output of the new TZT2 15 is likely to be a better source for NMEA 0183 devices like my VHF? It looks to be output only from the specifications so I guess I would still need the IF-NMEA2K2 to convert the 0183 DSC message from the radio.

Notice I did not ask if there was any news on shipping date for TZT2! That little TZT9 is not much screen real estate for a guy who is used to two 12" displays. "Spring" is going to end soon...
No update on the TZT2.

We have many customers using the IF-NMEA2k2 for DSC successfully. It could be you receive a unit with older software. You can check the software of your IF-NMEA2k2 by going into your TZT9 and hit MENU - INITAL SETUP - SENSOR LIST BUTTON. You should have version 1.04 or better for your IF-NMEA2k2. You also should see the software of your TZ there. Please ensure that it is version 3.01 or better. (4.01 is current).
My TZT has v.4.01, which I updated to last week. The IF-NMEA2K2 has v1.07. It is slightly challenging to test easily because the DSC message is only sent when the radio receives a call. What I have been doing is using the test function on the radio to call the Coast Guard, which then sends an automated test successful response. I can see that message on the radio but not on the TZT display. It is not on the DSC call list accessed from the "Lists" menu.

Anything else to check? I am pretty sure I have the wiring done correctly. The Standard-Horizon has a gray NMEA (+) out wire, which I have connected to the white RD-H and a brown NMEA (-) out, which is connected to the blue RD-C wire.

Speaking of which, my "Menu" button takes two touches to open even though the icon is clearly responding to the first touch.


I checked with Standard-Horizon tech support and the radio will only transmit a message in response to a distress call or a position polling call. The test I did would not generate any messages transmitted over the NMEA port.

I am going to try to do a position poll and see if it shows up on the TZT.
Just make sure that the radio you conduct the poll with has GPS connected to his radio. You need both the DSC and DSE sentence to plot a target. DSC by itself is not good enough.