Drift It


New member
Hi First time using the drift it feature with the TZT3 .
How long before it computes the "Drift It" point.
Tried 4 times yesterday . The computing message was up for about 3 to 4 minutes and I got impatient and went back to the old way of drift fishing.
Is the anything in the settings that should be on in the TZT3 to allow it to work.
Thanks In advance
When I've used it, it takes a good while, probably more than 3-4 minutes and given all of the variables involved - including distance covered on the drift - long makes sense to me. Once dialed in though, it's worth the wait.
It depends of the speed of the natural drift. I was in the gulf stream drifting at 3.5knots and it took about 15 seconds to compute. Recently I was in a tidal river at about a 0.25knot drift and it took a 2-4 minutes like you both experienced.
I second Bayhouse's point, if the directions are followed, the accuracy is amazing.