Furuno Fan
I have a FA150 AIS transducer which appears to be effected by the date rollover discussed at https://www.furuno.co.jp/en/news/notice/notice_category.html?itemid=753&dispmid=965. I am sending my GPS data to the FA150 com port via my SCX20 through a nmea183 multiplexer. I have the com port priority set such that the gps data from the SCX20 is the highest priority. When I go into my “own dynamic data” screen it shows the correct coordinates, SOG, COG, HDG, ROT but the date keeps,flashing between the correct date/time (presumably coming from the SCX20) and a Sept 2003 date (presumably from the internal gps).
is there any way to disable the internal GPS? Is there any ill effect of the internal gps having the wrong date when the SCX20 com port has a higher priority. As far as I can tell the unit is working fine in its current configuration.
is there any way to disable the internal GPS? Is there any ill effect of the internal gps having the wrong date when the SCX20 com port has a higher priority. As far as I can tell the unit is working fine in its current configuration.