DFF3D Transducer connection


New member
The connection diagram (C13520001-H) in my OPERATOR'S MANUAL show the WAGO pin numbers in the opposite order from what the labels in the DFF3D show. For instance: TB1 the 4-pin WAGO connector is shown in the drawing with pin 4 located next to the TB2 connector. However, the numbers on my TB1 (4-pin WAGO connector) run in the opposite direction such that pin 1 is next to the TB2. In other words, if you renumbered the pins in the drawing, such that the numbers started at the bottom of each connector and increased as you move up, the drawing and my machine would match.

I have no idea whether it is proper to install the wires according the physical locations shown in the drawing, or according to the pin numbers shown in the drawing.
Go by the pin numbers and wire colors in the diagram. The pin numbers are left to right if you have the DFF3D oriented so that the cables are coming out of the bottom or towards you. One can triple check the pin numbers another way too...the first and last pin numbers are embossed on the board itself under each WAGO connector.
I had the same issue. If you look carefully on the circuit board, there are numbers for the pin screen printed as well. The issue (as far as I can gather) is not that the pin numbers were installed wrong. The circuit diagram is confusing - it shows the numbers in order as 1234 but it should be 4321. But the colour wire to pin number is correct - brown to 1 etc