I know the DFF3D has heave compensation via the transducer (B54). My question is, does the DFF1, DFF1-UHD and/or the DFF3 have heave compensation and if so can the heaving data be shared from the DFF3D to either of these units or is a SC30 required?
Since the pitch/roll/heave information of the B54 goes directly into the DFF3D module I am pretty sure it can't be shared by other sounder modules, but I will ask Japan for you.
Let me know what you find out... I was just wondering if there was a way to export heave info from the DFF3D to another machine. And if so, would the DFF1, DFF1-UHD, or DFF3 be able to accept that heave data.
Thanks for the info. Is the only way to get heave info the SC33 option then? Does either the DFF1, DFF1-UHD, and/or the DFF3D take advantage of heave info?.
You can program the DFF3D to use the Heave from a SC-30/33. Also there is a menu selection in the TZT2 to allow external sounder modules to use Heave if available.