DFF1 to Airmar B260 transducer.


New member
Hi all
I am Norwegian and new to this forum(this my first post).
In my boat I have a FCV585 with a 1kw airmar transducer. Still working very well…
However As I can find I cannot add a second display to this.
My thought is to use a second hand DFF1 and use this a a sounder connected to my VX2 GD 1920C (RDP 149) Video plotter(used for radar mainly… I use a pc with timezero as main plotter)
The GD 1920c has a VGA output for extra screen..
Then the questions:
Is the DFF1 as good as FCV 585?
Can the B260 transducer be connected directly to the DFF1?
Finally: Can the DFF1 work with a simple cable(furuno plug in GD 1920 C network socket)
and RJ45 in other end) towards DFF1?
I am old with not to good eyes and prefere large screens. Wish to se the sounder both in wheelhouse and on deck during fishing.
The B260 no is: 41-282-1-02 rev2.
Thor Inge
The DFF1 is very much like an FCV585 but is a network sounder box. Operations can vary based on what display is unit the sounder box.
Yes, the Diplexed B260 used by the FCV585 will work directly to a DFF1 network sounder.
It is NOT possible to connect the transducer to both the FCV585 and DFF1. You would have to choose one or the other.
Yes the DFF1 would work with the VX2 and if you have video output to a working screen, it would show up on both screens when the sounder is being displayed.

Welcome to the Forum!
Thanks a lot for answers. This was exactly what I had hoped for…. And also I already assumed that one transducer cannot serve to sounders at the same time… so the 585 will have to retire then.
Thor Inge
New question; now that my old FCV585 now is surplus and
Available in Norway now(Second-hand, but new in box/never installed): will an Airmar B258 (41-456-2-01) be suitable for above sounder(to be used in my sons boat?)
That's a humminbird transducer. It won't have the correct connection. You should discuss with Airmar/Gemeco as they likely have cables that it might work on the FCV585 but you would need to speak to them if it can be adapted and match up to the Furuno.
Thanks for answers...

I installed and wired up my VX2 GD 1920C (RDP 149) with the DFF1 Black box today( The DFF1 internal Dip switches set as shown in the manual for 1kW transducer(Airmar B260)
External Mode dip switches set for VX2 (Switch 1 and 4 "ON", Switch 2 and 3 "OFF") Connection between the RDP149 and DFF1 with a cable "MJ-A&SPF0016-005C" At least the plugs in each end fit (Round plug to RDP149 Network outlet and the RJ45 plug to the DFF1) When DFF1 is supplied the power the green LED lights up and after some time(15 seconds?) start to blink at approx 2 seconds interval.. However; the Sounder Picture on the RDP149 shows a blue screen only... I can change som parameters in menues but not all... pressing ex. "Gain" the screen says this is not allowed in Auto mode.. but there is no way to change from auto... Do I need to enable the network on the RDP149 in any way to make this work?

Thor Inge
If the sounder keeps flashing after 4 minutes that is a good thing. If it goes solid you have a network problem (like bad cable). Likely if the flashing continues then your sounder source setting in the display is wrong. Typically it should be set to ETR0.
Thanks a lot. Will try again today. The cable is new, but i will check/clean pins and check the spring receptors on the RJ45… I looked through the manual yesterday (menues) did not find anything for source setting, but will try again… last question: is the cable correct type?(for the NMEA183 I use for timezero the cables are crossed to go from transmitter(one end) to listener(other end)
Again many thanks
Thor Inge
Use the installation manual not the operator's manual. Network cable depends on how you connect it to the sounder via a hub or not. If it is direct from the sounder to the NavNet it must be a cross-over. Typically if the cable isn't right or broken somehow the sounder will give a solid light after four minutes saying it can't see a NavNet. If it continues flashing after four minutes, I would say your network cabling is fine.
You are right.. I checked again… the LED started blinking every two seconds after startup… bug after some more time glowed green only.. I measured the cable based on some info you had given in anorher tread… and it was staight. The tread also gave exact info on how to cross the four cables so I will cut the cable and solder it together as a crossed. Have some higher hopes it will work this time. Hopefully the straight cable have not damaged anything. Again many thanks.
Thor Inge