DFF1 sounder not powering on


New member
Hi everyone, so mich good information here, but cant seem to find my issue. I have a 1992 42 Ocean with the Furuno TZ Touch and the DFF1 sounder. We were out in some rough seas a few days ago and noticed the TZ touch MFD said something about sounder connection lost. Now it's not displaying as an option in my carousel of options on the MFD. I called Furuno tech and they ran me through some initial info, and come to find out there is supposed to be a blinking light on the DFF1 box that I found not to be lit up or blinking at all, which seemed to be that it was off and not power. I used a power probe and traced the 12v power wire and I do have a good ground and 13.2 volts in the wires coming into the DFF1 box but no light. Is there an internal fuse that maybe got blown somehow? Thanks!
Okay thanks so much johnny, the way mine is wired up it seems a little strange I guess the previous owner had the wiring done where the black wire coming off of the power cable he has it cut open under the dashboard split into a black wire and a white wire if I remember correctly one being the positive one being the ground and they go right into a metal bar block with a bunch of other circuits and I don't see any fuses in line coming off of the wires that go to the block. Maybe I can unplug all the network cables and maybe undo the positive and negative off of that metal circuit block and redo everything maybe it will fire up. Super strange, I wonder if maybe somehow the Box just got fried or just stopped working suddenly. It was pretty rough seas but everything else seems fine