DFF1 settings


New member
I have NN3D running 2.13.
I changed from a ETR 6/10 to DFF1 and now the screen is not as crisp as it was with ETR.
Fish now appear more like fuzzy blobs and the bottom is a blend of colors, not a hard red to blue as it was.
Switched back to ETR and image is crystal clear.
I've changed most of the settings but can't get an image from the DFF like the ETR.
Same transducer, P79.
Is there some setting I'm missing?
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When you setup the transducer in the Installation Wizard DFF tab, did you select Manual, Low 50kHz and High 200kHz? This has to be setup on the DFF1, not required on the ETR 6/10N
Delayed reply.... I just used the ETR for the remainer of the season. Now trying the DFF1 again.

I couldn't get a good comparison picture. Basically a fish on the ETR shows up as a distinct red arch.
On the Dff1 a fish would have a red arch with a orange, yellow and then blue outline

Titanic, I believe it is related to the transducer selection.
I can't figure out which setting to use with the P79.
520-5PSD 525-5PWD 520-5MSD

They appear to be different beam angles and discrimination.