DFF1, matching box and temp


Not sure is this is possible. I have installed a generic 1kw 50hz transducer with temp. The sounder works with the matching box. Is there a way to wire in the 2 wire temp sensor?

I dont overly need temp but if I can get it working it would be good.

Thanks Luke
Good morning Luke 343,

What is the make and model of the transducer that you are using?

You could try using that transducer with a MB-1100, however the MB-1100 was designed to be pared with a Furuno transducer(s). The impedance of the Radarsonics transducer is different so I can't speak to how well it would work. As far as the temperature goes, it appears that the Radarsonic transducer is using a 10k temperature sensor so it should work if connected to the DFF1.

Hi Snips,
It seems to have a clear picture but time will tell when a few more tests get done.
Where would I put in the temp wires? I think I should use the pigtail connector then chop the end of it to join the wires or is there a 2 wire colors in the harness I can connect to?

Thanks Luke
The Radiosonic's transducer should use the White and Brown wires for temperature, these wires will connect to pins 4 and 7 on the 10-pin plug.

Thanks Snips,
Finally got around to it and works a treat. The virus has created some time at least is nothing good!
Transducer is punching to 550m on 50 khz without to any issues.
regards Luke