data box screen TD format


New member
What are the steps to modify the TD reading on my TZ2 data box so as to display the TD readings as five digit numbers which are typical on the old Map Unique charts and SST charts?

The TD for example currently illustrates as:
W: 14,553.70
X: 31,882.27

thank you
Hi Shindig,

If you go on your TZT2 and hit HOME>SETTINGS>UNITS>POSITION FORMAT you will be able to change how that is presented

Best Regards :jump
I'm sorry for being stupid. I'm supposed to looking at the Loran C settings correct? I have never had to make any adjustments on any of my other Furuno's to obtain the desired TD format. I am located in Charleston, SC

The Loran C settings are currently:
The GRI is set to 7980: Southeast U.S.
Master is set to Malone
First Slave W: Granville, LA
Correction first slave is (0) zero
Second Slave X: Raymond, vill TX
Correction second slave (0) zero

What setting changes need to occur to illustrate 5 digit TD's for my location?

If it helps. the format illustrated is what I am attempting to achieve.
Are you trying to display the gridlines on there? or like SeaTemp? To get things correct you would have to adjust the correction in the Loran-C and grid settings. If you are trying to get the grid lines on a TZT2 it will not do that. Changing the units just changes them in the display box and how you want them displayed.

Best Regards! :sail
No. sorry to confuse you. I included the map only to illustrate how our paper charts reflect TD lines and corresponding positions.

I just want the data box to display the TD's in a 5 digit format such as 41400 26775. I also have lat/lons displayed in the data box.

If it is easier to communicate via phone, PM me and I'll share my telephone number.
Loran C is displayed in the established format and the same that has always been. I don't know that is being asked. While Loran C doesn't exist anymore; the NavNets can calculate based on proper settings and offsets. It is time based on microseconds from the ground stations.
The image of the RD 30 is how I desire my data box TD's to be displayed.

The 2nd image is how my TZ2 displays TD's. How do I change the TZ2 to display my preferred format?



  • TZ2.JPG
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One must set the GRI, Slaves, and Offsets in the TD setup menu. (HOME - SETTINGS - UNITS - Loran Station & GRI) If you get stuck, I recommend calling support from the boat.
thanks, I spoke to a Furuno CS tech this morning and was told it is not possible to for the TD's on the TZ2 to appear in the same format as the photo I posted of the RD30
It should show the same basic numbers but when it comes to "Format" the TZT is just going one digit further in microseconds. It isn't in a diffrent format presa just has an extra digit. Support is correct there has been no suggestions or reasoning requesting a change. If you feel the extra digit is a problem I can report it to product development if you want to make your case for a change.