Connectors for networking navigator, fish finder

  • Thread starter Thread starter veeraanj
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I have Furuno - GPS Navigator, GP-39 and Furuno - Fish Finder FCV-688.

From the usermanuals, I can make out we can network both of them. Networking them, will let us to view fish schools can be seen in GPS navigator. This will help us while navigation.

From the network connection diagram, it seems require some additional connections to be done. I am very new to this.

Can someone help us? OR
Do we have these connectors available ?

Thanks and Best Regards,
The GP-39 can be connected to the FCV-628/588 via NMEA 0183.
The below wiring will allow the GP-39 to send data to the sounder.

GP-39 to FCV-628/588
White to Yellow
Blue to Green

Does this connection allow GP-39 to also receive TLL information from FCV588 & display revived information on GP-39.

GP-39 to FCV-628/588
White to Yellow
Blue to Green
Yes it will take TLL. The GP33 is primarily an output device providing position data to other units. It does have some very basic non-mapping plotting skills and it does accept TLL from the sounder.