Computer screen for FCV 1150

Pelagic Fisher

New member
I am currently using two 1150's on my boat (one in the wheelhouse and one on the outside station) I am experiencing bad interference when they are both turned on. Is it possible to connect one to a computer screen so I only have to have one running?
Pelagic Fisher,
No you can not just add a monitor to remote the display. However the FCV-1150 has a network connection so you could make a second viewing station if you were using a TZT2 MFD or by using Nobletec TZ Pro.

If the two sounders are interfering with each other try changing the Interference Rejection setting from Auto to a Medium to see if that helps.

Thanks for the response Snips
Yes I do occasionally run with medium interference but The sounder gives a cleaner picture of the bottom when i turn interference off.
So if I were to use a TZT2 connected to the 1150 display, they would show the same picture and I would still use the 1150 display to change settings, is that correct?
Good morning Pelagic Fisher,

Thank you for your inquiry. I believe currently the TZT2 product is not official compatible to interface with the FCV1150. However the TZT1 product is. If you would like to learn what features are available to control from the TZT1 product please reference page 57 and 58 of the FCV1150 operators manual. I will provide a link below. Also the TZT1 will show the same image as the FCV1150 when interfaced. Basically it is a second station, but you can't control all the features of the FCV1150, please reference the chart.

Good morning Pelagic Fisher,

After some internal discussion it does appear you can interface the FCV1150 to the TZT2 product. Please note, we are not promoting this interface it is not officially been approved but it does work. You do not have full control of the sounder using the TZT2 to manipulate settings, I personally do not know how much control you will have because i have not tested but it will likely be less than the TZT1 interface. However, to use as a way to view the FCV1150 from another location it could be a solution for you.
