Chart Updates


New member
I have just updated the West coast of Canada Raster and Vector charts on my MFDBB. The main reason being for updating was that my home marina Ladysmith BC displayed on the vector chart was of the marina before it was rebuilt and expanded in 2007. After installing the latest update the marina diagram is still the old smaller marina pre 2007. The Navionics app on my phone and iPad have always had the correct marina layout on the chart. Is there a way of communicating with map media to get the map update corrected.
Raster charts are the official charts of Canada HO office that have been converted into map media format. MapMedia can not edit those. You would have to talk to the Hydrographics office of Canada to see when they plan to update that survey. For your marina, I think you would have had better luck with the C-map or Navionics versions of the MM3 charts. If you ever want to see a sample map for an area before you purchase; just contact our tech support and they normally can send you a snap shot. MapMedia does have a contact area on; but they can't edit official HO charts coming from the Canadian Government.