Chart detail


Furuno Super Fan
Can someone tell me how much detail is on the chart MM3-VNA-024. What is the depth spacing on the contour lines? Is this the most detailed depth chart for west coast fishing? Or is there a more detailed fishing chart?

Really only need most detailed available for California ocean waters.

The most detailed fishing chart we offer is MM3-FNA-024.
It is for fishing only and does not contain navigation detail. If you are OK with what you have already such as the free NOAA raster or vector charts for navigation I would recommend the $100 investment for this chart.
As I am not familiar with your area so the best way to find which chart will work better for you is to open a support case on our website. Get Support > Ask A Question.
This will be routed to one of our representatives from California. They might be able to send you a few picture examples if you give them a Lat/Long. At the very least they know what most people prefer in that area.