BBWX1 repair ?


New member

I have a BBWX1 unit that has had interment problems receiving weather data. Troubleshooting is not easy with the older software so it was sent in for a software update to 1.11 or newer.

Well now it seems that the unit does not work at all - is there a way to repair or replace this BBWX1 unit or is it now trash? It is not even three years old!

any suggestions?

The current version of the BBWX1 starts out SDR2010; the older versions were SDR2007 or SDR2009. Everything is surface mount electronics inside the unit so it has limited repair. Upgrading the software shouldn't make it worse. It seems really strange. I am guessing you discussed this with the folks who conducted the upgrade? If you are a Furuno USA customer it might be best to send the unit into our service center for evaluation.

BBWX1 box was working and was recognized by NN3D, though Sirius weather reception was sporadic. Sent BBWX1 to Furuno USA Camas for a software update that allows better diagnostics per Furuno service bulletin. Furuno now says box does not communicate to NN3D and there is no way to fix, repair, upgrade etc. This unit is less than three years old! Their only option is to to buy a new BBWX2 for $800 !!! What great customer service...........