My NMEA 2000 network has PGNs flying around on it for battery information for my various battery banks, including current draw. On the other three major MFD brands, I've configured a display item to show this while underway so I know if there is a problem - too much current flowing out because of some pump running, or the charge current coming in from the alternators, etc. It is a great safety feature.
I can't find any way in TZT2 to configure this - only battery voltage, and that seems like it might be coming from somewhere other than NMEA 2000.
Specifically, I believe it is PGN 127508 that I'm looking to display on the TZT2.
I can't find any way in TZT2 to configure this - only battery voltage, and that seems like it might be coming from somewhere other than NMEA 2000.
Specifically, I believe it is PGN 127508 that I'm looking to display on the TZT2.