Anchor alarm too weak

Dont' Blink

New member
Anyone have input on getting a decent signal/noise from the anchor alarm? The alarm volume directly from the unit is extremely weak and doesn't even get your attention in the pilot house never mind the lower stateroom. On my old Furuno Navnet 2 there was a buzzer in the lower hallway that was very loud. Using the unit output on the TZ3 to trigger this same alarm does nothing since the pulse duration is so short. My furuno installer talked to customer support and they told him to try a piezo buzzer but we did and the alarm was still practically nothing. I'm sure I'm not the first to encounter this but haven't found a thread addressing it. Thanks.
Thanks for the response but not sure that is the issue. Have a 9-15V buzzer and when it is hooked to a 12V battery it screams nice and loud. It appears the TZ3 only puts out a short burst at voltage and it decays before the buzzer full on. You can see it on a scope. Not sure if there is a way to change the output duration on the alarm to make it full on vs a few ms pulse.
The Floyd turbo bell should work well for your application. I have a couple of them from my local WM throughout my boat. Annoyingly loud devices.